Conventions and Abbreviations
Comments and other editorial matter inserted into quotations, or by the editors of Tengwestië into articles, are enclosed in square brackets: [].
The following bibliographical citation abbreviations are used throughout this site. Citations are to the standard hardcover/trade paperback editions (the links below are to the precise editions used, where still in print), except where otherwise noted.
H | The Hobbit | |
LR | The Lord of the Rings | N.B.: In articles published prior to Nov. 27, 2005, all references are to this earlier edition |
RC | The Lord of the Rings: A Reader's Companion | N.B.: In articles published prior to 2014, all references are to this earlier edition |
R | The Road Goes Ever On | |
TC | A Tolkien Compass | Now superseded by RC |
S | The Silmarillion | |
UT | Unfinished Tales | |
L | The Letters of J.R.R. Tolkien, Revised and Expanded Edition |
Cited by letter number, e.g. L:#293a, and, where helpful, further by page, e.g. L:#211, p. 402. N.B.: In articles published prior to 2024, all references are to this earlier edition and cited only by page. |
MC | The Monsters and the Critics | |
I | The Book of Lost Tales, Part One | |
II | The Book of Lost Tales, Part Two | |
III | The Lays of Beleriand | |
IV | The Shaping of Middle-earth | |
V | The Lost Road | |
VI | The Return of the Shadow | |
VII | The Treason of Isengard | |
VIII | The War of the Ring | |
IX | Sauron Defeated | |
X | Morgoth's Ring | |
XI | The War of the Jewels | |
XII | The Peoples of Middle-earth | |
PE | Parma Eldalamberon | |
VT | Vinyar Tengwar | |
GL | The “Gnomish Lexicon”, in PE 11. | |
QL | The “Qenya Lexicon”, in PE 12. | |
PME | The “Poetic and Mythologic Words of Eldarissa”, in PE 12. | |
Etym. | The Etymologies, in V. | |
A&C | The “Addenda and Corrigenda to the Etymologies”, in VT 45 and 46. | |
OED | Oxford English Dictionary |
Example citations: “(LR:90)” = The Lord of the Rings p. 90. “(VT43:24)” = Vinyar Tengwar 43, p. 24.
Non-bibliographical abbreviations should be used sparingly and only where doing so is not likely to prove ambiguous or not readily interpretable.
§ | section |
c. | circa |
cf. | refer to |
cp. | compare |
e.g. | for example |
ed. | editor, edited by |
esp. | especially |
etc. | et cetera, and so on |
f., fol., ff. | folio, folios |
fn. | footnote |
i.e. | that is |
ibid. | in the same place |
lit. | literally |
ms., mss., MS., MSS. | manuscript, manuscripts |
n. | note |
no. | number |
op. cit. | work cited |
p., pp. | page, pages |
r. | recto |
sc. | namely |
q.v. | which see |
s.v. | under the word or entry |
v. | verso |
CE | Common Eldarin |
CT | Common Telerin |
Dan. | Danian |
Dor. | Doriathrin |
Eld. | Eldarin |
EN | Exilic Noldorin |
Engl. | English |
F.A. | First Age |
Finn. | Finnish |
G. | Gnomish, Goldogrin |
Gk. | Greek |
Gmc. | Germanic |
Gn. | Gnomish |
Gold. | Goldogrin |
Goth. | Gothic |
Heb. | Hebrew |
Hitt. | Hittite |
Hung. | Hungarian |
IE | Indo-European |
Ilk. | Ilkorin |
L. | Lindarin |
Lat. | Latin |
Lith. | Lithuanian |
ME | Middle English |
Mod. | Modern |
MW | Middle Welsh |
N. | Noldorin |
Ñ | Ñoldorin |
OE | Old English |
OFris. | Old Frisian |
OHG | Old High German |
ON | Old Noldorin |
ONor. | Old Norse |
Oss. | Ossiriandeb |
PE | Primitive Eldarin |
PGmc. | Proto-Germanic |
PIE | Proto-Indo-European |
PQ | Primitive Quendian |
Q. | Qenya, Quenya |
Qe. | Qenya |
Qu. | Quenya |
R. | Rohanese |
S. | Sindarin |
S.A. | Second Age |
Skr. | Sanskrit |
T. | Telerin |
T.A. | Third Age |
V. | Valarin |
W. | Welsh |
√ | prefixed to a form indicates that it is a root. |
* | prefixed to a form indicates that it is a hypothetical, reconstructed form unattested in the historical records. |
** | prefixed to a form indicates that it is an erroneous, ungrammatical from. |
† | prefixed to a form indicates that it is archaic and/or poetic. |
< | derived from (historically) |
> | developed to (historically) |
<< | changed from (in the manuscript) |
>> | changed to (in the manuscript) |
1, 1st. | first person |
2, 2nd. | second person |
3, 3rd. | third person |
abl. | ablative |
acc. | accusative |
act. | active |
adj. | adjective |
adv. | adverb |
aff. | affix, affixed |
all. | allative |
aor. | aorist |
coll. | collective |
com. | common |
conj. | conjunction |
cpd., cpds. | compound, compounds |
d.o. | direct object |
dat. | dative |
dial. | dialectal |
dim. | diminutive |
du. | dual |
f., fem. | feminine |
fu.t. | future tense |
gen. | genitive |
imp. | imperative |
impers. | impersonal |
impf. | imperfect |
inf. | infinitive |
interj. | interjection |
instr. | instrumental |
intr. | intransitive |
IPA | International Phonetic Alphabet |
loc. | locative |
m., masc. | masculine |
n. | noun |
n., neut. | neuter |
nom. | nominative |
obj. | object, objective |
p.p., pa.p. | past/passive participle |
pa.t. | past tense |
part. | partitive |
pass. | passive |
pl. | plural |
poss. | possessive |
pr.p. | present/active participle |
pr.t. | present tense |
pref. | prefix, prefixed |
prep. | preposition |
pret. | preterite |
prn. | pronoun |
refl. | reflexive |
sg. | singular |
subj. | subject, subjective; also subjunctive |
suff. | suffix, suffixed |
tr., trans. | transitive |
v., vb. | verb |
Copyright ©2003 Carl F. Hostetter
Quotations from the works of J.R.R. or Christopher Tolkien are the copyright of their publishers and/or the Tolkien Estate, and are used here with their kind permission. The word TOLKIEN is a registered trademark of The J.R.R. Tolkien Estate Limited. The characters and scripts of Tolkien’s invented languages and works in those languages are the copyright of the Tolkien Estate.
First published on November 20th, 2003
Last modified on Monday, November 11th, 2024 10:19 pm UTC
This page has been visited 5607 times since November 20th, 2003
Page design by and copyright ©2003 Carl F. Hostetter
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